摘要: The region of Northern Velebit National Park is characterised by a high diversity of fungi. Around 750 species have been recorded to date, of which 20 are strictly protected while 37 are very rare on the global scale and currently without conservation status in Croatia. Latest intensive mycological research has resulted in the publication of one genus and as many as five species new to science. In this paper are discussed fungal species of high bioindicator values for the quality of the system of nature protection, presented in three groups: biotrophic species linked to endemic species – endemobionts, (2) ecologically stenovalent species linked to the faeces of animals and (3) ecologically stenovalent species linked to old forests and primeval forests. All three groups are under the strong influence of locally specific climatic characteristics. According to the analysed data, it can be said that the Northern Velebit National Park has been successfully designed with regard to the protection of fungi. Due to its diversity and specificity, the Northern Velebit National Park can be designated as an Important Fungus Area (IFA).
关键词:endemobiont; endemophilous species; fungal ecology; IFA; protection of fungi