期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Using of radar navigation in Indonesian Warships, specialty in Patrol Boats Unit of Indonesian Eastern Fleet is very vital as remote sensing devices in navigation. It�s using must exist absolutely at the time of Indonesian Warships carry out operations, so the readiness of radar navigation will greatly affect the implementation of the tasks performed. This study aims to obtain critical components on navigation radars on warships and also aims to obtain a critical time interval for replacing critical components of the navigation radar so that warships are ready to operate. In the next stage this research also aims to calculate the cost of critical component replacement components based on the Cost Benefit Ratio (CBR) method. In this paper proposed FMECA models in determining the critical components of Navigation Radar. Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is used as a methodology to identify and analyze all potential failure modes of various parts of the system, the effects of the failure of the system, how to avoid failure and to reduce the impact of failure on the system. Based on the model is obtained Risk Priority Number (RPN) that is used as a reference value in determining the critical components. RPN value of each component is analyzed by Risk Matrix, from 27 (twenty-seven) components that have been identified, There are obtained seven (7) components that are considered critical: Modulator, Power Supply Scanner, Diodes Limiter, Magnetron, Receiver, Motor, and Circulator. The modulator has the highest RPN value, 24180 and Plotter Control Circuit has the lowest RPN value, 3289. Determining the time interval replacement of critical components that have been obtained using the approach Reliability and Cost Benefit Ratio (CBR). Results indicate that the component replacement Diode Limiter has the fastest time, 152 days. While the replacement of components with the longest time are Motor and Circulator, 458 days. CBR value for all of the critical components are less than 1 (CBR <1), it shows the recommendation of replacement cost was efficient. Diode Limiter has CBR value that is the most efficient, namely 0.57572. From sensitivity analysis is obtained that Reliability R(t) variable greatly affects the determination of the change in the time interval replacement of critical components, in which there are parameter β (slope), Ƴ parameter (location), and the parameter Ƞ (scale). Parameter β more influence on changes in the value of Reliability R(t).
关键词:FMECA; Risk Priority Number (RPN); Reliability; Time Interval of Replacement; CBR