期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Opportunistic Routing (OR) is a novel routing prototype that carries benefit of the transmission characteristic of a wireless channel for video data distribution in a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). In a WMN, the communication efficiency diminishes due to the limitation of channel interference, packet loss, and bandwidth. However, most of the existing OR focused on a suitable conniving solution for electing the forwarder node. As a result, several nodes may become overloaded with high traffic and seriously congested. To overcome these problems, we introduce an Adaptive Load Balance metric for Opportunistic Multimedia (ALBOM) WMN. The main objective of this scheme is to reduce overload and increases OR efficiency in WMNs. In this scheme, the adaptive load balance metric is measured by channel access overhead, protocol overhead, the rate of video data transmission and transmission state time. This metric computation that helps to reduces traffic congestion and improves overall network throughput. In this scheme, the best forwarder node is elected by the cuckoo search algorithm. This algorithm finds the best node from the forwarder list based on the Adaptive Load Balance metric, the packet received ratio and deviation time. The ALBOM maximizes the progress each packet to guarantee that the most desired relays the packet with less overload. The simulation results illustrate that ALBOM mechanism increases the throughput and reduces the network delay in WMN.