摘要:This paper presents a relatively novel metrical and constraint-based analysis of stresspatterns in Bedouin Arabic as spoken by Zalabiah and Zawaideh subtribes insouthern Jordan. Different from Eastern Arabic variety, the dialect underinvestigation exhibits stress patterns which are basically controlled by an iambic foot.In terms of metrical parameters, final foot extrametricality is proposed where it doesnot violate non-exhaustivity and peripherality; extrasyllabicity is also proposed forthe analysis of a final consonant in a superheavy syllable. Extrametricality is betteranalysed, in constraint-based terms, via the constraint NONFINALITY. Examiningthe domain hierarchy in Optimality Theory, the argumentation then explores how themetrical parameter ‘iambicity’ struggles with the optimal constraint ‘nonfinality’ aswell as with other constraints to generate the more harmonic stress patterns. In termsof dominance hierarchy, the constraints IAMB and WEIGHT-BY-POSITION areranked higher than the constraints NONFINALITY and *FINAL-C-μ, supporting thatstress patterns in the dialect of Zalabiah and Zawaideh are mainly controlled by theiambic foot. Contrary to previous literature, this work provides evidence that not allEastern Arabic dialects necessarily fit into trochaic foot-type.
关键词:Arabic Word Stress; Metrical Model; Optimality Theory; Iamb;1;Introduction