摘要:This paper identified problems of Turkish university students studying abroad (Erasmus Program)and suggested solutions. Participants were 10 students who had studied abroad, currently at universities inIstanbul. Qualitative research included paper-pencil, open-ended questions, and face-to-face interviews. Interviewdata were collected as voice recordings during the 2016 academic year and evaluated for categories. Participants’categorized views of challenges as academic, economic, political, and socio-cultural. Most critical problemswere bureaucratic barriers, socio-cultural differences, foreign language proficiency, course selection, andaccreditation. Program benefits included self-development, language improvement, cultural awareness, andfeelings of being a global citizen, language improvement, and advancement of curriculum. Finally, somesuggestions for reducing problems were offered. Overall, there is no doubt internationalization will play anincreasing role in Turkey’s integration to the world.