摘要:This research aims to interpret ethno-economic factors on work activity conducted by Mbojo ethnicmarried women in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The research was conducted by utilizing the ethnomethodologyqualitative method in which the researchers described the ethno-economic reality influencing Mbojo ethnicmarried women’s work participation. The data were collected from married women as key informants. On theother hand, household members and other informants acted as supporting informants (utilized in validation test aswell). This research managed to describe the following ethno-economic factors: education, local culture, householdtype, salary, husband income, and household asset. The research results exhibit that these women work foreconomic security and independence, and/or to increase their social economic status in the community. However,they work not for the sake of rights equality, but for improving household social and economic security. Theyconsider work as a form of worship; thus, there is no role-exchange occurring. The research finds that the reasonmarried women work is due to economic factors. The high needs of families and increasing prices do not always goin the same direction. The increase in prices causes the wife to work and help the husband in earning a living. Inaddition to economic problems, there are also women who work for non-economic reasons and want to devote theknowledge that they have gained. The findings of this study conclude that there are two major things that becomemain reasons women marry Mbojo ethnic. First is that they do double roles because it is must, and the second is thatthey work because of choice. Work is a source of income, and work is self-actualization. Although they work in thepublic sector, domestic work remains a priority.