摘要:Flat foot deformity is the most common condition among children in primary schools. The present studyaimed to compare the vertical jump height of 10 to 12-year-old healthy elementary school children with flatfeet. For this purpose, 800 boys and girls students, between 10 and 12 years old were selected in the studywith 17 and 25 BMI, lack of difference in leg length, smooth soles of both feet, no musculoskeletal disorders,with 2 flat feet, no history of fractures in the bones of the legs, ankles and feet. 150 children diagnosed withflat foot disease were selected which 20 girls (group one) and 20 males (group two) were chosen randomlyfrom among 20 healthy female subjects (group three) and 20 males (group four).Navikular test was used forthe measurement of flat foot deformity. Bone loss breakdown was measured by the Brody method. Sargentjump test was used to measure the height of the jump from standard protocol. All four groups carried outvertical jump test under the same conditions. For each person the test was repeated three times after tenminutes of warm-up and the best record was intended as the subject’s record. The results showed nosignificant difference between the heightjumpof them. The comparison of the boys’ jump with flat foot andnormal foot using independent t test showed that there was no significant difference in the jump betweentwo groups (P>0.05). Also no significant differences was observed between healthy girls’ jump compared tohealthy boys and the girls’ jump with flat feet compared to flat feet boys. So it seems complication of flat feetdoes not have any impact on children vertical jump performance, but corrected this abnormality is onlynecessary way to reduce the damage.