摘要:The purpose of the study was to explore the possibility of creating a valid and reliable model and instrumentfor measuring physical and health education teachers’ competences in classroom education process,perceived from the perspective of secondary schools students. Also, the goal was to explore to what extentofficial legislative documents as well as official curriculum of the Faculty of sport, health and physicaleducation in Sarajevo represent a sufficient background for creating such a measuring instrument withsatisfactory metric characteristics. The sample in this study were N=831 students from fourteen secondaryshools in the urban parts of Sarajevo. The students attended third (N=422 or 50.8%) and fourth class(N=409 or 49.2%) at the time of the research. There were N=452 (54.4%) females and N=379 (45.6%)males in this sample, both aged from sixteen to eighteen. An analysis of legislative documents and theofficial curriculum was conducted by a group of education experts in order to establish the indicators ofpsysical and health education teachers’ competences and to design an instrument to register and measurethese competences. Finally, a 28-item Teachers’ Competences Perception Questionnaire was constructed(TCPQ)and applied on the given sample. The results of Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis showedthat the questionnaire measured five distinct and correlated factors and they are (1) teaching competences,(2) communication and empathy, (3) health care instruction, (4) pedagogical competences and (5) physicalappearance of a teacher; these five factors explained 57.726% of total variance indicating a solid factorstructure of the instrument. Oblimin rotation also yielded a meaningful factor solution following the frame ofthe Curriculum and Legislative documents’ content related to physical, health and sports teachers’competences. Reliability analysis showed satisfactory reliability of the most of the factor scales. Implicationsfor the use of the questionnaire on the students’ populations, as well as the possibilities for furtherinstrument development and curriculum modification are stated on the account of the research results.
关键词:physical; health and sports education; teachers’ competences; student’s perception.