摘要:The purpose of this study is: Investigation of physical activities and sportive behaviors on foreign studentswith different variables in Namık Kemal University between 2015-2016 academic years. To this study 109male, 64 female, in total 173 foreign students has participated which study in Namık Kemal University. Thesecurity check has been made by Koçak (2013) by utilization of Sports Sustainability Scale (S.S.Ö) whichincludes 35 articles and 4 sub-class of; management of sports (12 Articles), industry of sports (8 Articles),social responsibility (7 Articles) and on interaction (8 Articles). In the analysis of the data, SPSS. 20, 0(Statistical Package for Social Sciences) has been used. In the analysis, KMO Bartlett Test, Explicit FactorAnalysis (Basic components-Varimax), one way variance analysis (ANOVA), LSD test and unpaired sample Ttest has been used. In the result of this study, Age, gender, class, sporting situation, country, variables ofattitudes of foreign students to social education, physical education and sports; There was no significantdifference in sport management and social responsibility scores among the participants of different agegroups (p> 0,05).Yet on sports industry and behaviors, a significant difference has been noted (p<0,05). Asthe result, it is seen that foreign students of Namık Kemal University has a positive attitude towardssustainable sports.
关键词:attitude; student; physical activities and sports; attitude scale.