期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:Inter-area oscillations not only limit the transferred bulk power but can extend toisolate the areas and may cause the blackout in some parts of the system or all the system. Thispaper depicts the improvement process of power system stability by using the modified particleswarm optimization (PSO) technique to optimize the lead-lag power system stabilizer (PSS)parameters offline to improve its performance. PSO modified by adjusting the damping boundarycondition to prevent the particles from an outing of the searching space which improves theoptimization process. Optimized PSS structure is a conventional lead-lag PSS (IEEE type-PSS1A) with speed deviation input signal. Proposed PSS performance compared with bacterialforaging based lead-lag PSS, and a simplified multi-band PSS: IEEE® type PSS4B. Acomparison process applied to the system divided into two areas 11-bus 4-generators.Furthermore, performance indices as Eigenvalue, damping ratio, participation factor, maximumovershoots, settling time, and steady-state error used to utilize the analysis. The simulationresults clarify the strength of the proposed PSS over the other compared PSSs. Simulation resultsin mathematical analysis prove that the proposed PSS improves the overall system stability betterthan the BG based lead-lag PSS by (23.02835%) and the MB-PSS by (94.14835%).
关键词:artificial intelligence techniques; modified PSO; bacterial foraging; multi-machine;power system stability; power system stabilizer optimization; inter-area oscillation