摘要:The effect of unsteady MHD flow of a micropolar fluid over an inclined plate with thermal radiationand non uniform heat source/sink, non linear thermal radiation, chemical reaction and convective boundaryconditions has been investigated in the present st udy. A mathematical model is developed to set of Partialdifferential equations into non linear coupled ordinary differential equations and then solved numerically byspectral relaxation method (SRM) with finite difference scheme which employs the Gauss Se idel type ofrelaxation approach to linearize and decouple the system of differential equations and then Chebyshev pseudospectral method was used to solve the equations. The influence of various physical parameters are depictedgraphically and analyzed in details. An excellent agreement of accuracy has found after comparing present workwith previously published work.
关键词:Micropolar Fluid T hermal Radiation N on Uniform Heat Source/Sink;Magnetohydrodynamics Thermophoresis