出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:This study investigated graduate students’ perceptions of and satisfaction with theapproaches used by their thesis or dissertation supervisors, and contrasted studentperceptions with those of their supervisors. Students reported that their supervisors usedcollaborative supervision more often, and a statistically significant relationship was foundbetween this approach and their satisfaction. In contrast, faculty believed that they useddirective supervision more frequently and were convinced that students preferred thisapproach. Qualitative findings connected this to supervisors’ initial low perceptions ofstudents’ developmental levels. Over time, however, they became less directive, aiming toencourage students to develop as independent scholars. Students did not seem to fullycomprehend the meaning of collaborative supervision and perceived their supervisors asbeing more directive during writing the problem and methodology sections than duringwriting other sections of the thesis or dissertation. The study recommends thatsupervisors be ready to use different approaches to adapt to the different needs andabilities of students.