出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:This study examined the relationships among English as a foreign language (EFL)teachers’ reflective practices, self-efficacy, and research practice. Data were collectedfrom a survey of 150 EFL teachers engaging both with (i.e. through reading) and in (i.e.through doing) research in English language teaching (ELT). The results of multiplecorrelation analyses indicated significant and positive associations among reflectivepractice, self-efficacy, and research practice. These analyses also indicated that allsubscales of reflective practice significantly and positively correlated with researchpractice and self-efficacy. In addition, all subscales of self-efficacy significantly andpositively correlated with research practice and reflective practice. The results frommultiple regression analyses indicated that reflective practice and self-efficacy stronglypredicted the participants’ research practice, with the former being a stronger predictor.Multiple regression findings further showed that among the subscales of reflectivepractice, cognitive and critical reflections strongly predicted research practice, andpractical and cognitive reflections strongly predicted self-efficacy. Additionally, amongthe subscales of self-efficacy, efficacy for instructional strategies and efficacy forclassroom management strongly predicted research practice and efficacy for instructionalstrategies, and efficacy for student engagement strongly predicted reflective practice.Moreover, results from one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that amongEFL teachers who were actively, moderately, and rarely engaged in research, EFLteachers who were actively engaged in research did more reflective practice and weremore self-efficacious.