出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:English language teaching and learning is vital for the development of the country and itspeople. In Thailand, English language teaching has become one of the most popular jobsboth for native and non-native English speaker-teachers. However, only a few studieshave been conducted to identify and describe English language education in theThailand. This study presents the experiences of 9 Filipino university and college Englishteachers and their perceptions on the teaching of English as a foreign language inThailand. The method used was in-depth individual interviews. Findings reveal thatalthough Filipino teachers were positive about teaching English to Thai students, theyperceived that English language teaching in the country is a challenging task because ofstudents’ lack of interest in the English language; lack of exposure to and support for anEnglish speaking environment; unclear and unsuitable English language curriculum; andlack of teacher professional development. Implications are discussed and suggestions forfuture studies are offered.