出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:Learning to teach during a teaching practicum has often been described as a challengingexperience for student teachers; however, little is known how they overcome thechallenges. Using teacher identity as an analytic lens, I investigated how two Englishmajorstudent teachers in a one-year teaching practicum in Thailand constructed teacheridentity. The data were obtained from interviews and shadowing observations. Thematicanalysis revealed that teacher identity was developed earlier in biographies. The teachingpracticum contributed to teacher identity development in three ways: (1) emotionalresponses to the practicum shaped identity, (2) practice shaped identity, and (3) symbolicentity as a reminder of being a teacher shaped identity. Additionally, the student teachersovercome challenges through psychological and technical supports from within andoutside the schools. The findings suggest that teacher education should give carefulattention to the teaching practicum as it contributes to the development of studentteacher identity.