期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:This work was conducted to study the biological treatment of the domestic wastewaters ina Biological Aerated Filter with plastic packing media. The necessary time to eliminate thequasi-totality of the COD depended on the reject initial concentration and the adaptationdegree. For the first adaptation, the time corresponding to an abatement rate of 100 % was 7days for the low pollution load, whereas for the high pollution load this time was 19 days.For the advanced adaptations, the abatement occurred only during 8 hours with CODelimination rates between 57 and 96%. The turbidity decreased for all the tests, except thatcorresponding to the first adaptation relative to the high pollution load, it increased in firstfrom 108 to 235 NTU due to the increasing of the population of the dispersed non-adaptedbacteria. Then it decreased because of some factors (decantation of the bacteria and theiraggregation on biofilm by biofloculation). For the high pollution loads the initial DO variedbetween 0.30 and 0.53 mg/L; at first, it increased and reached value varying between 3 and13 depending on the adaptation degree and then it decreased. For the low pollution loads,the initial DO varied between 2 and 6 mg/L, at first, it increased and reached a valuevarying between 4 and 9mg/L and then it decreased except for an advanced adaptationwhere the DO decreased from the beginning. Concerning the pH, it varied between 6.5and8.5 during all the tests of adaptations.
关键词:Adaptation; ;Aerated Biological Filter; ; Biodegradation; ;Low and high load;wastewater; ; Packed plastic media; ;Wastewater.