摘要:Numerous authors point out the importance of psychomotor education during
the early stages as a means to achieve progress in the cognitive, social, aff ective
– emotional, and physical fi elds. In Venezuela, which is the focus of this study,
early education teachers have to deal with the reality of lacking offi cial studies that
tackle in full this fi eld of knowledge. The current job pretends to off er evidence
about the benefi ts of teachers training in the psychomotor area. It describes an
observation study made on two initial stages physical education teachers. The
teachers conducted a training course on psychomotor circuits and were observed
after this period to check the changes in their teaching practice. The study analyzes
their practice from three perspectives: teacher’s attitude, the management of
spaces and resources in the psychomotricity room and the communication with
the student. An ideographic follow-up and multidimensional design was carried
out. To make the observation, an ad hoc estimation scale was created base on the
instrument designed by Camps (2008). The observation was made by 9 teachers
from the center during four sessions. The calculated statistics (Cronbachs alpha =
0.8 and CCI= 0.871) guarantee the observation system and the positive evolution
in the teaching practice.