摘要:The objective of the paper is to verify the impact of management profile on the implementation of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Nam Dinh garment and textile enterprises, Vietnam. Being
conducted on 168 managers of Nam Dinh textile and garment enterprises, using SPSS 22 and Smart
PLS 3.0 software, the study shows that management profile had a positive impact on CSR implementation.
Also, the importance of ethics and social responsibility had an intermediate role in the
relationship between management profile and CSR practices. In addition, the study has examined
the moderate role with statistical significance of CEOs’ age and professional qualifications. The
younger the CEO is, the more CSR he/she carries out and the higher the CEOs’ professional level
is, the more CSR is accomplished.
关键词:Management profile;
Corporate social responsibility;
Textile and garment;
Nam Dinh;