摘要:We present a newly developed high-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) flow cell, which allows for the simultaneous determination of water saturation, effective gas permeability and NMR relaxation time distribution in two-phase fluid flow experiments. We introduce both the experimental setup and the experimental procedure on a tight Rotliegend sandstone sample. The initially fully water saturated sample is systematically drained by a stepwise increase of gas (Nitrogen) inlet pressure and the drainage process is continuously monitored by low field NMR relaxation measurements. After correction of the data for temperature fluctuations, the monitored changes in water saturation proved very accurate. The experimental procedure provides quantitative information about the total water saturation as well as about its distribution within the pore space at defined differential pressure conditions. Furthermore, the relationship between water saturation and relative (or effective) apparent permeability is directly determined.
其他摘要:We present a newly developed high-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) flow cell, which allows for the simultaneous determination of water saturation, effective gas permeability and NMR relaxation time distribution in two-phase fluid flow experiments. We introduce both the experimental setup and the experimental procedure on a tight Rotliegend sandstone sample. The initially fully water saturated sample is systematically drained by a stepwise increase of gas (Nitrogen) inlet pressure and the drainage process is continuously monitored by low field NMR relaxation measurements. After correction of the data for temperature fluctuations, the monitored changes in water saturation proved very accurate. The experimental procedure provides quantitative information about the total water saturation as well as about its distribution within the pore space at defined differential pressure conditions. Furthermore, the relationship between water saturation and relative (or effective) apparent permeability is directly determined.