Post wall waveguides consist of dielectric or metallic cylinders for microwave around 4 GHz were experimentally and numerically investigated. The structure attracts interests for application of transmission circuit for three-dimensionally integrated planar circuit in millimeter wavelength. In straight waveguide with dielectric cylinders, confinement of microwave is poor, when the post wall was composed of a pair of single row of cylinders. The confinement was improved as increase of rows of post wall. In metallic cylinders, microwave was well confined even when a pair of single row of cylinders composed the waveguide. After confirming confinement of the electromagnetic field, Y-shaped branches of post wall waveguide consisted of dielectric cylinders for microwave were similarly investigated for dielectric rods. The confinement was also improved by increase of post wall up to 3 layers. These results are applicable for fundamental design and fabrication of integrated circuit for microwave and millimeter wave.