摘要:This paper presents the transient stability analysis (TSA) in a power system based on one
machine infinite bus (OMIB) and equal area criterion (EAC) method. A typical power system
network consists of numerous components such as generators, transformers, interconnected lines
and loads. Due to the enormous number of electrical components in a power system, it is difficult
to perform the TSA for the entire network. Therefore, this research proposes a TSA by using
one machine infinite bus (OMIB) technique. The main purpose to use OMIB is due to the fact
that it could minimize the multi-machine in the network by facilitate the original large-scale
system to dynamic equivalent model. The propose technique classify the multi-machine system
into two groups which are: critical machines and non-critical machines, which is then reduced
to only one machine infinite bus system (OMIB). This paper also presents the analysis of critical
clearing angle (CCA) where it is the maximum change in the load angle curve before clearing
the fault without loss of generator synchronism. Three phase fault conditions which are; prefault,
during fault and post-fault conditions are used in the transmission line via the equal area
criterion (EAC) method. This method could identify whether the condition may cause to system
instability if there is a sudden load increase to the system. The main objective to perform CCA
analysis is to identify the value of rotor angle that is important and could be set as a benchmark
to the protection relay in order to maintain the transient stability during fault condition. This
paper also proposes a monitoring mechanism by using graphical user interface (GUI) to monitor
the CCA at different system loading condition. The IEEE RTS-79 is used to validate the
robustness of the proposed methodology in determining the CCA.
关键词:Critical clearing angle (CCA); Equal area criterion (EAC); One machine infinite bus;