摘要:The summer of 2018 was warm and extremely rainy. The rainy summer
feature is due to the first two months of summer in which the monthly average
rainfall (calculated for the whole region) was very high. In June the monthly
average monthly rainfall was 162.8 l / m2, and its percentage deviation from
normal was 93.4% (almost twice the normal) and in July the average monthly
quantities for the whole region was 138.0 l / m2 and its percentage deviation from
normal 112.4% (more than twice the normal). The average air temperature average
was 21.9°C and its deviation from normal 1.2°C, which shows that the summer
was warm. The dry and warm weather, usually in summer in Oltenia, started on 2
June, 1818 and extended throughout autumn, seriously affecting the beginning of
the 2018-2019 agricultural year by delaying the establishment of autumn crops.
Throughout the summer there were 7 overly rainy intervals, which amounted to
over 15 days of rain. Due to synoptic situations, usually unusual summer, which
caused torrential rains, the summer of 2018 changed the way to achieve seasonal
climatic forecasts at three-month intervals at 4-week intervals. This is still a
confirmation of the ongoing climate change across the planet, and summer 2018
will remain in the history of the climate as the one that has changed the seasonal
weather forecast reference range. The paper is particularly useful to climate
scientists and to all those interested in climate and climate change.