出版社:Union of Jurists of Romania, Universul Juridic Publishing House
摘要:This paper concentrates on a few aspects regarding the issues that arose after the massive waves of immigrants' who are in Europe. In this context, the purpose of the paper is to offer a perspective about what is international protection and asks the question: what rights do persons who may be in need of international protection have? It is obvious that the people in need of international protection do not have basic human rights and physical security guaranteed in their home countries and they have been forced to escape from the risk of persecution, inhuman or degrading treatment or other serious human rights violations. In this regard, we will analyze the acquis communautaire that the EU asylum organizations provide for forms of international protection and the corresponding procedure of international protection. We will conclude, stressing that even though the right to asylum is recognized and convergent at the European level and the roots are in the Geneva Convention, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, and other international and European legal instruments, in reality nowadays proves that there is a divergent tendency in applying the legal aspects to the persons who need international protection.