摘要:The Cuicuilco archaeological site is an early Mesoamerican Preclassic ceremonial and urban center in
the Basin of Mexico. The site is characterized by a round-section pyramid and several well-preserved stone structures
that were covered by lava flows and tephras by the ~2000 yr old Xitle volcanic eruption. This article presents results
from a gravity study to investigate the underground structure. Site gravity anomalies show a gradient trend from southeast
to northwest related to the lava flow cover and underlying topographic relief. A semi-circular gravity anomaly high of
around 6 to 8 mGals marks the circular main pyramid. The survey also detects two small amplitude anomalies on the
eastern side of the pyramid, just north of the access ramp. The main access western ramp does not show any associated
gravity anomaly. No other anomalies are observed around the pyramid structure in the surrounding excavated area.
The gravity anomaly over the lava field masks any possible anomalies associated with other buried structures likely to
be present in the site.