摘要:The following paper shows the transition from internal to external migration and places Vaslui
County into a spatial and time frame from the perspective of population mobility. Moreover, the
consequences of the downgrading of internal migration by international migration are subject to the
evolution of demographical and social indicators on which there are reflected: birth rate, general
fertility, the rate of population growth, the index of demographical aging, because the involvement of
the young population and young adult population in international migration led to a numerical
decrease of the population with ages between 0-14, from 23,7% in 1990 to 15,0% in 2012, the
increase of the majority of the old age population, of 65 years old and more, from 10,3% in 1990 to
15,0% in 2012 and of adult the population, 15-64 years old, from 66% in 1990 to 70% in 2012,
according to National Institute of Statistics.
关键词:labour force; emigration; birth rate; Vaslui County