摘要:Accurate hybrid filter - wrap approach is quite important for short term load forecasting as it not only improve
forecasting accuracy performance, but also could effectively avoid converging prematurely. The importance of input
selection-features is an essential part to develop models. Currently and dynamic surroundings, energy demand, quantity
and values are becoming unpredictable and progressively volatile. Increas ing amount of decis ion -making procedures in
the industries in terms of energy require a wide -ranging outlook of the uncertain forthcoming. This paper explains the
selection method for the proposed hybrid filter-wrapper whose primary compos ition includes Pers onal Modular Impactor
(PMI) based filter technique and the Firefly Algorithm (FA) based filter wrapper. The filter wrapper planning technique
involves the selection of the best corresponding inputs by a predefined model-free technique that measures the specific
relationship between the output selction and the input variable. FA wrapper based technique is more useful compared
to the filter procedure. Modular Impactor (MI) is a technique mostly preferred by individuals to measure the dependency
of variables and commonly used to select input features and in other key fields.