标题:Can social-ecological systems inhibit invasive species control? A study of acacia mearnsii control in the Golden Gate Highlands National park of South Africa
摘要:Considered to be an important source of water, energy and biological diversity, mountains are
a critical component of livelihoods because of the ecosystem goods and services they provide
to montane communities. In South Africa, mountain ecosystems are under threat from
invasion by alien species, posing considerable pressure on wildlife, native plant species and
local habitats. This paper assesses the socio-economic and cultural context of the control of
Acacia mearnsii invasion in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, a mountain based
protected area in South Africa. The paper draws from a questionnaire survey and interviews
that were conducted in communities adjacent to the park to ascertain why these communities
were reluctant to cooperate in government funded control programs, despite evidence
showing that the communities are a springboard for bio-invasion in the park. The results
indicate that social-ecological systems are the root of resistance against of Acacia mearnsii
关键词:Ecosystems Services; Grassland Biome; Invasive Alien Species; Poverty; SocialEcological
Systems; South Africa