摘要:Between 2010 and 2015, the economic and financial situation of Hungary and the Hungarian population was marked by
fundamental changes. In our research, we sought to find out how this affected the financial literacy of the population. Our research
database was based upon the OECD surveys conducted in 2010 and 2015 on the assessment of domestic financial literacy. The
differences between the answers to the same questions of the two surveys were examined by means of regression analysis and
variance analysis. We found that there were several significant changes between the two surveys. In 2015, there were fewer persons
who entrusted their financial decisions to others, and there is also a lower number of persons struggling with financial problems, but
at the same time the number of those preparing budgets and having savings has also decreased. We performed less well in financial
knowledge related issues in 2015. From the point of view of attitudes, a shift can be observed towards lower awareness. in 2015,
Hungarians were less concerned about their finances, they preferred to spend their money and they were less likely to have long-term
goals. The results of the survey show that after the personal financial crisis (indebtedness, constraints, unemployment) observed in
the year 2010, Hungarians were experiencing a sense of liberation in 2015: delayed consumption was followed by spending. At the
same time, it should be pointed out that this was not achieved by borrowing, but by the use of increased income.