摘要:In the 21st century, having a computer and using it for educational purposes is very important because it
contributes to the development of individual and group competences. Internet access has become the main tool
for socializing, informing and collecting data. An improper use of computers and the Internet may have
repercussions on young people's development, their mental health and can generate addiction among them. The
success of the instructive-educational process, carried out within the educational units, is conditioned by the
access of teachers and pupils to information resources. There are also nowadays situations where school units,
especially those in rural areas, face deficiencies in the domain of computers and computer labs.
Having as theme "Information and Communication Technology in the Instructive-Educational Process", the
article proposes, through two parts (the stage of the knowledge of the concepts under analysis and the research
of the educational process from the point of view of the statistical indicators, but also of the school
infrastructure), to present the importance of adapting the schools to the changes in the environment, including
those in the field of technology.
关键词:educational process; school infrastructure; computers