期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2019. 0701041
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The main objective of this system is to design the Wireless Network, which provides failure free
communication between sending and receiving entities with proper time and speed. To enhance the lifetime of the
network scenario using successful node placements and communication strategies. This system investigates the
problem of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. Wireless sensor nodes deployed in harsh environment
where the conditions change drastically suffer from sudden changes in link quality and node status. The end-to-end
delay of each sensor node varies due to the variation of link quality and node status, on the other hand, the sensor nodes
are supplied with limited energy and it is a great concern to extend the network lifetime. To cope with those problems,
this system proposes a novel and simple routing metric, predicted remaining deliveries (PRD), combining parameters,
including the residual energy, link quality, end-to-end delay, and distance together to achieve better network
performance. PRD assigns weights to individual links as well as end-to-end delay, so as to reflect the node status in the
long run of the network.
关键词:Link;delay aware; routing metric; energy efficient; wireless sensor networks