期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2019. 0704010
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Recently, Mobile devices such as Smart Phones, PDA’s play a significant role among the users. A
distinct pattern of resources and services are obtained from the location of the mobile users. Several applications are
designed in a way, that location is the primary building of the mobile applications. Subsequently, the location should
activate with enhanced protection level. Mobile Service Providers (MSP) collects and aggregates the spatial data of the
mobile users. In service- end perspectives, the mobile users will concentrate on retrieving the exact locations. These
geographical locations are protected with the breach of trust. This paper targets to supply a trusted communication
among Mobile Users, Mobile Servers and Mobile Service Providers. We framed an authentication algorithm E2SQLBS
(Exploring and securing the spatial queries of location based services). Firstly, the mobile server gets the userspecified
queries and verifies whether the user specified location. If it’s authorized, a secure communication channel is
enabled between the mobile users and Mobile Service Providers. These credentials are transmitted via public channel
which leads to violation of privacy, known as Intrusion. To defend from colluding attacks, spatial queries oriented
clustering is formed that helps to eliminate the redundant data. Ranking schemes is employed to sum up the topmost –
searched queries. This application will perfectly work with Global Positioning System or Bluetooth with lessened
storage space and power cost. Performance validation will prove that information are preserved at both user and server