摘要:Existing theoretical researches about dataenvelopment analysis (DEA) cross-efficiency evaluation paymore attention to the calculation of DEA cross-efficiencymatrix than aggregation process. The most commonly usedaggregation method is to aggregate them with equal weight.This paper focuses on the DEA cross-efficiency aggregationprocess and proposes the use of principal component analysisto aggregate them. In this study, we view the cross efficienciescalculated by the same set of weights determined by eachDMU as attribute values of different DMUs. Thecross-efficiency values will transform to be the variousattribute values of DMUs and then use of principal componentanalysis aggregates cross-efficiencies to provide the ultimateweighted average cross-efficiency for each DMU. Finally, twonumerical examples are illustrated to show that the proposedmethod is suitable to aggregate cross-efficiencies.
关键词:DEA Cross;efficiency evaluation;Cross;efficiency aggregation; Principal component analysis