摘要:The purpose of this paper is to obtain the analyticalapproximate solutions for a class of non-homogeneous timefractionalpartial differential equations. A new kind of hybridseries method is proposed depending on the Fourier series andpower series. Firstly, the Fourier series is used to transformthe time-fractional partial differential equations to the timefractionalordinary differential equations. Then, the powerseries is presented to get the analytical approximate solutionswith the polynomial least squares method. The fractionalderivatives are in Caputo sense. Several instances are givenin this paper. The results are shown in the form of dataand graphs, which represent that the hybrid series method iseffective and convenient to solve this class of non-homogeneoustime-fractional partial differential equations.
关键词:hybrid series method; non;homogeneous timefractional;differential equation; Caputo fractional derivative