期刊名称:Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
出版社:Instituto Nacional De Matemática Pura E Aplicada
摘要:Let F(N;m) denote a random forest on a set of N vertices, chosenuniformly from all forests with m edges. Let F(N; p) denote the forest obtainedby conditioning the Erd}os-Renyi graph G(N; p) to be acyclic. We describe scalinglimits for the largest components of F(N; p) and F(N;m), in the critical windowp = N1 + O(N4=3) or m = N=2 + O(N2=3). Aldous (1997) described a scalinglimit for the largest components of G(N; p) within the critical window in terms ofthe excursion lengths of a reected Brownian motion with time-dependent drift.Our scaling limit for critical random forests is of a similar nature, but now basedon a reected diusion whose drift depends on space as well as on time.
关键词:Random forest; random graph; critical window; exploration process;