摘要:This article analyzes intimate partner violence and femicide in Ecuador from an ecological perspective.The qualitative study, involving the participation of 61 individuals, took place in the provinceof Imbabura and was based on eight interviews with qualified experts and seven focus groupsmade up of professionals from the field of social and public services. The study comprises: a) thecharacterization of the dynamic of violence and risk of femicide; b) the analysis of the microsystemin relation to the family, neighbors, and professionals; c) an examination of the institutionalresponse; and d) the assessment of the patriarchal culture, the role of the church, and indigenism.The results point to the permanence of a naturalized, chauvinistic culture, the lack of an effectivenetwork of resources to support victims, and a rigid administrative structure. As a consequence,victims have little confidence in public institutions, rates of reporting and prosecuting cases ofviolence are very low, and there is a perception that the aggressors are able to act with impunity,increasing the risk of severe violence and femicide.
关键词:Intimate Partner Violence; Femicide; Public Policies; Ecuador; Ecological Model