摘要:This article explores the opportunities of a research strategy that integrates both the observation of theobject and the observation of the subject (researcher). In a research about shopping centers’ workers, theresearchers tried to show how the methodological misfortunes experienced by them, sometimes seenas errors, supported the inquiry on the very experiences of workers. Moreover, such misfortunes enabledan increased awareness about the effects and limits of the conceptual and technical instrumentsthen used. In fact, only the integration of reflexivity in the course of the research enabled further knowledgeabout workers’ social profiles and the temporal structures of their work activity. Thus, this articlehighlights the advantages that exist in evidencing and reflecting upon the methodological adversitiesas a preliminary step to their sociological exploration and shows how the theory is not something to beapplied to others, but also that helps the researcher to keep his/her work under close scrutiny.
关键词:Qualitative Methodology; Reflexivity; Error; Sociology of Work