摘要:analysis of Julia’s (b. 1984) case, empirically grounded in the autobiographical narrative interviewmethod, will discuss the mutual influence of the individual experiences and the collective processes thatresult in a precarious life situation being a stage of the trajectory of suffering process. It will be argued thatthe generation born between 1980-1990 that entered their adolescence period (and, at the same time, labormarket) in a very specific socio-cultural context, framed by the dynamics of interrelated processes of politicaltransformation, vibrant modernization, globalization, and, last but not least, development of neoliberalideology, has been the first one in Poland to be exposed to the deep and overwhelming biographicalchanges. They have been oftentimes connected with the feeling of biographical trap and the experienceof precarious balance of everyday life that—to a large extent—is a consequence of belonging to intensivelymultiplying social words with their divergent stocks of knowledge at hand, clashing ideologies, conflictingmoral standards, dissonant rules of conducts, and expectations. Additionally, in the discussed case,I will deal with a biographical irony: Julia is both—a zealous propagator of allegedly universal attitudes ofneoliberalism and a victim of this subtle mode of power. All these contradictions and tensions are clearlyseen in the formal features of her (as well as many other people born in the 80’s last century) renderings,which are nonlinear, incoherent, emotionally overloaded, and full of fading-out phenomena.
关键词:Biographical Trap; Trajectory of Suffering; Political Transformation; Precarious Balance; Autobiographical;Narrative Interview