摘要:The main concern of this paper is to describe and analyze Arabic passive constructionswithin the most recent phase-based syntactic theory of Chomsky (I998, 1999, 2001,2005, 2006).As far as I know Arabic passive constructions haven't been investigatedwithin this recent framework. Describing and analyzing those constructions withinChomsky's recent phase-based framework will be of great significance to Arabic aswell as to Chomsky's phase-based theory of syntax. Applying recent syntactic theoriesto the structure of Arabic will enable this language to assume its deserved positionamong the languages of the world and will attract the attention of more modernlinguists to render more service to this distinct non-indo-European language bystudying different aspects of its structure. As for Chomsky's phase-based theory, if thestructures of Arabic can be handled within this theory, then this will lend furthersupport to the universality of Chomsky's phasal theory. It is also important to determineif there is movement involved in the formation of Arabic passives as is the case inEnglish or not. Besides, if there is movement involved where does the moved DP land?Further, is it an A-movement or an A-bar movement.
关键词:Passivization; Standard Arabic; Minimalist; Phases; A;movement; A;bar;movement