摘要:"Background and objectives: Shigel-la play an important role as a caus-ative organism of acute gastroenteri-tis, which is a global health problem with significant morbidity and mor-tality especially in developing coun-tries and also is the most communi-cable of the bacterial diarrheas. The purpose of present study was to de-termine the incidence of Shigella species and their antimicrobial re-sistance patterns in the patients presenting with acute gastroenteri-tis to our tertiary care centre in Ah-medabad. Materials and methods: The study included all patients with acute gas-troenteritis who visited a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad during a 3-year period (Jan’ 2013- Dec’15). The isolates was confirmed as Shi-gella by biochemical reaction and slide agglutination test using specif-ic antisera. Antibiotic sensitivity was determined by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method as per CLSI guide-lines. Discussion and conclusion: The predominant Shigella species iso-lated in this study was Shigella flexneri. The present study demon-strates that Shigella species show-ing significant increase in resistance to several commonly used antimi-crobial agents like ampicillin, co-trimoxazole and chloramphenicol but still very less resistance for fluo-roquinolones and 3rd generation cephalosporins.".