摘要:"Introduction: Globally ‘quality health care’ and particularly the domain of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services attract sub-stantial attention. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) imple-mented Quality Assurance in Re-productive and Child Health Ser-vices Project in India. This study was conducted to document evolu-tion and process of implementation of that project. Methodology: It was a descriptive study using mixed methods. Au-thors analysed statistics generated through reviewing secondary data, visits to health care institutions, in-terviewing various stake holders and focused group discussions. Results: Regular visit to health insti-tutions by a multidisciplinary trained team was the core strategy. The districts in the project were added in four phases. In each se-lected district institutions were add-ed in rounds. The number of institu-tions covered in first three phases was 1,231. Checklists and grades were prepared for different types of institutions. Government trained 903 personnel for paying visits to institutions. Only 53.65% planned visits were actually paid. There was improvement in grades. The women appreciated the quality improve-ment activities. Conclusions: The process of expan-sion adopted in this project demon-strates its applicability in any large geographical areas and particularly resource-crunch areas. The in-volvement of in-house multidisci-plinary team is effective and self-sustaining.".