摘要:Prior research has emphasized the value of social networks in bringing a community ofpeople together to develop and enhance friendships in a digital space. Social networks can serveas a type of online consumption community when the group of consumers share an interest in aspecific consumption activity. In our study, we focus on gamers engaging in the activity of playas a source of entertainment. This community interacts in both offline and online spaces, thoughour focus is on the online interactions. Social networks add another dimension to relationshipsthat exist offline, providing network members with a tool for connecting and self-presentationonline. This research utilizes 18 in-depth interviews to explore the tools that members use tocraft a desired social self in the online communal space. Our research suggests that socialnetworks create an environment where community members will engage in ego maintenancestrategies to present and preserve their desired social self. We identify three primary motivationsunderlying the desire to protect the ego: a need for respect, a need to feel secure, and a need foracceptance. To manage these motivations, community members employ both self-protecting andself-promoting strategies through various self-regulation techniques.