摘要:Scientists would agree that exercise and a physically active lifestyle bring well-documented benefits either toathletes with a normal respiratory function and those with respiratory diseases, asthma in particular. Asthmaand upper respiratory tract infections and are discussed as they are both common in athletes. All beta-2agonists are prohibited at all times in sport and require permission for use. However, the beta-2 agonists,when inhaled, can be used up to the limits without therapeutic use exemption (TUE). If use is required abovethese levels then they also require a TUE. Nevertheless in elite athletes, who use asthma medications, needto special attention about the restrictions by sporting organization. It is reported that some athletes may beunnecessarily taking oral and perhaps parenteral glucocorticoids to obtain certain side effects. The principlesfor which beta2-agonists are considered doping are all reported to the effect connected to the stimulation ofthe sympathetic vegetative nervous system. Any decision about these agents except for aerosol or local usecould be supported. Thus, this paper highlights the currently available evidence in medicine on Exerciseinducedasthma (EIA).