期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:Research has shown that the use of technology for teaching and learning can be beneficial to bothlearners and instructors. Unfortunately, there are only a few universities in Nigeria that have beenable to implement the use of technology for learning purposes, resulting in too few studies thatinvestigate the factors that contribute towards the acceptance of eLearning systems in Nigeria. Inthis study, we develop a conceptual model to examine the influence of three quality antecedentson the behavioral intention to use learning management systems (LMS) by Nigerian students. Anonline survey was used to capture the students’ perception of instructor quality, course quality, andsystem quality in regard to the use of the LMS in their respective institutions. 378 usable responseswere received, and through use of the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique, theresponses were analyzed. Our findings indicated that of the four hypotheses tested, all of thehypothesized relationships were supported. Our research model accounted for 33% of the variancein the students’ behavioral intention to use the LMS. The results of this study will be informative toadministration and governing bodies that adopt an LMS and will be relevant and beneficial tostudents in Nigerian universities.