期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:Transformers are the most important links between generation, transmission anddistribution of a power system. Their failure can cause huge revenue loss to utilities as there isnon-availability of power for long hours. Several factors like high load, overheating and shortcircuits influence the aging of the insulating system present in transformer. Many diagnostic testsare carried out and remedial actions are taken for ensuring non-interrupted, trouble free powersupply to customers. End of useful life of a power transformer is determined by the remaininglife of paper insulation in the transformer. The aging in the paper insulation is determined bymechanical strength or tensile strength of the solid insulation and is measured in terms of itsDegree of Polymerization (DP). The traditional method for determining DP is called the directmethod and it requires actual paper samples therefore making it costly and intrusive. Recentlyan indirect method is used, which estimates the DP value from the furan compounds dissolvedin the oil and this is a non-intrusive process. This paper presents analysis of various indirectmethods used in remaining life estimation and also comparative studies have been made amongthe mathematical equations developed by various researchers correlating 2- furaldehyde and DPwith respect to ageing process.
关键词:Residual life assessment; Furan concentrations; Degree of polymerization;Correlation between DP and 2;FAL;