摘要:One of the most effective ways for teachers to ensure that their students have
obtained the specified learning outcomes is to provide them with constructive
feedback. If students are not given the optimal feedback and are not asked to re-do
the work, teachers will not know whether the educational goals have been met.
This study aimed to investigate whether Bahrain Teachers College students receive
constructive feedback from their teachers. It explored both teachers’ and students’
perceptions about the importance of giving and receiving constructive feedback
and how feedback may improve academic achievements. The sample consisted of
200 students and 37 faculty members representing the different academic divisions
of the Bahrain Teachers College, majors and year of study. The results showed that
students and instructors agree on the importance of providing constructive
feedback as a crucial tool to the process of teaching and learning. A significant
difference was found between students and their instructors’ perceptions on
whether constructive feedback is provided in their classrooms. Some
recommendations are provided for teachers on how to reinforce students’ learning
by giving constrictive feedback and close the gap by seeking students’ satisfaction
with their learning.