摘要:Pedagogical competence refers to the teacher's ability related to their theoretical
mastery and its application in teaching performance. This ability can be obtained
through educational process based on the level of competence. This research aims
at comparing the effect of the mentoring model implementation toward
pedagogical knowledge of prospective teachers. This study belongs to a quasiexperiment
research with pretest- posttest nonequivalent control group design. The
population of this research was the prospective students of Biology Education
Department in University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu. The sample of this
research was 60 students taken by using cluster sampling technique. The research
instrument used a pedagogical knowledge test. The data were analyzed by using
Mann-Whitney U-test. The results showed that the implementation of mentoring
model has significant different effect in improving pedagogical knowledge
compared to the conventional model. Thus, it can concluded that the
implementation of mentoring model has a significant effect on the improvement of
pedagogical knowledge. The mentoring model has proven to be effective in
supporting the teachers’ professional development.