摘要:This study aims to investigate and create a writing learning process that can
generate both motivation and results from writing activities. The effectiveness of
this model can be seen from students’ improvement both the quality of the process
and the results of writing learning. Based on preliminary study, this study found a
number of data about writing learning. The findings covered students' low writing
ability, their learning was still results-oriented rather than process, the learning
approach is individual and has not optimized the potential of student interaction
and collaboration, and the was only one draft as a product. To overcome the issues
mentioned, this study proposes the model of cooperative learning based on
interpersonal intelligence. The study applied quasi-experimental, with control
groups and experimental groups given pretests and posttests. This study found that
there was a significant increase in students’ article writing ability. Their
development in writing ability can be seen from aspects of content, organization,
language, writing mechanics. In terms of the principle content of interpersonal
skills, they experienced a significant increase. The implication of this study is to
enable language teachers to deliver writing skill teaching to their language learners
especially in their article writing.
关键词:cooperative learning; interpersonal intelligence; writing article; learning
process; learning model