标题:Preliminary archaeometric studies and results of fake denars from Friesach found in the inheritance of a community in the Árpád-era dealing with money exchange = Egy pénzváltással foglalkozó Árpád-kori közösség hagyatékában (Orosháza, Bónum, faluhely) fellelt hamis friesachi denárok előzetes archaeometriai vizsgálatának eredményei
摘要:One has to know the geographical environment determining the possibilities of people living in a particular
geographical region, in order to attain knowledge on their everyday life. Orosháza is a very important city in
this point of view and it had an outstanding road-network. In the surrounding of this city a large number of
metal artefacts was discovered in a Muslim settlement next to Orosháza dating back to the 12-13th century. The
majority of these artefacts are coins, including few dozens of denars coming from Friesach. According to
archaeological assumptions most of them are counterfeit. These fake coins are very exciting for us because they
refer to the period and the place of the money exchange and may shed light to methods and variegation of
forgery in that time. Due to this we aimed to accomplish archaeometric studies on these coins. The first method
was non-destructive chemical analysis with handheld and portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF). The
chemical composition of 25 coins was determined and the first results show that most of the coins are bronzes
(tin-copper alloy) with 1-4 wt% lead content, yet, there was one coin with significantly high lead content (14
wt%). In three coins high level of silver content was measured (86 - 97 wt%) but according to the concentration
of some trace metals (Cu, Bi, Pb, Au), which can indicate different provenance of the silver material, these three
coins differ from each other. Among these 25 pieces of coins, mercury was detected on the surface of 14
indicating amalgam silvering which could be a method of counterfeiting. Besides pXRF which is fundamentally a
surface analytical technique, further examinations are planned to get more precise and suitable information.