期刊名称:Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society
摘要:The purpose of this research was to determine the most efficient plant to reduce the level of
organic pollution in the Citarum River and water quality analysis from the phytoremediation process will
be compared with the recommended quality standard of Indonesian Government Regulation No. 82 of
2001 on the Management of Water Quality and Control of Water Pollution. The research was conducted
during 7 days at the Aquatic Resources Laboratory of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences,
Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, West Java in June 2019. The method used was an experimental
method. The water quality parameters measured include physical parameter i.e temperature, and
chemical parameters i.e pH, CO2, BOD5, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and phosphate. The results of this
research showed E. crassipes was able to reduce the concentration of BOD5 (79.99%), nitrate (12.14%)
and phosphate (92.84%). Thus, it concludes the E. crassipes is the most effective aquatic plant in
reducing the level of organic pollution from Citarum River water samples compared to P. stratiotes and L.