摘要:Cantharellus isabellinus is epitypified and discussed on the basis of multiple new collections
from the African rain forest. These are the first collections since this species was described more
than half a century ago. Phylogenetic analysis of tef-1 sequence data confirm placement of C.
isabellinus in C. subg. Rubrinus sect. Isabellinus for which it had been chosen as the type species
based on morphology. Cantharellus eyssartieri is its twin species in the field but growing in
Madagascar, while the very similar C. parvisporus stat. et comb. nov. is the closest relative of C.
isabellinus from the surrounding miombo woodlands. Cantharellus croceifolius might represent a
bisporic form of C. isabellinus, but has never been recollected. Cantharellus griseoisabellinus sp.
nov., described here, is a somewhat similar species occurring in the same habitat as C. isabellinus.
关键词:molecular phylogeny ; new species ; Cantharellus isabellinus ; Cantharellus
griseoisabellinus sp; nov; ; Cantharellus parvisporus stat; et comb; nov; ; tef